It feels like Jett’s been gone for so many moments already but at the same time it feels like he was here just yesterday.
A week ago, on JJ’s first birthday, we piled into the truck at 4:30am to drop Jett off at the airport. While we were all pretty zombie-like, it wasn’t just the 4am wake up call. We learned Jett would deploy on Monday and he flew out that Thursday. For weeks there had been rumblings of this deployment, but there was some back and forth about whether Jett would go or not so we weren’t necessarily prepared.

On the bright side, at least Jett is on the east coast. I can’t imagine an overseas deployment or navigating different time zones- especially with a toddler and baby on the way. This should be a pretty short stint too; we’re hoping to have him home mid-May.
If you want to keep close tabs on what he’s doing in Philly, check out the Combat Logistics Battalion-22 Facebook Page. There is also a lot of information on the Joint Task Force Civil Support Facebook Page such as this post.
Back in North Carolina, JJ celebrated his first birthday with a few family and friends. He loved tearing into his smash cake and is obsessed with this mini race track ramp.
Our matching shirts and, of course- DADDY! Let him eat cake!
We have been to the beach, taken bike rides and continued with ISR lessons.

JJ had his first altercation at daycare when someone else wanted to play with a block he was holding. He got a little cut under his eye just in time for picture day the following day!
So far, our little family is doing well. The baby and the zoo are happy and healthy. We appreciate everyone’s thoughts and prayers as we navigate this new obstacle and GOD BLESS all the single parents out there!