Family,  Marriage

First Comes Love, Then Comes Marriage…

Then comes a baby in a baby carriage!


Baby Meenach is due February 2020!

Jett and I both want a big family. I’ve wanted a big family since I was a little girl, 7 kids to be exact. So we knew that when I finally moved to join Jett wherever he would be stationed that we would probably begin working on our family. This is a huge reason we put North Carolina at the top of our duty preferences list, so we could be close to family. Could you imagine raising a baby in Hawaii while your husband is on deployment and your family is literally across the ocean? I definitely couldn’t.

We had talked about taking the summer to get settled before adding to our family. We had never lived together and had barely spent more than a few weeks consecutively together so it was going to be a big adjustment just the two of us. I had resigned from my job to relocate with Jett, so at the beginning of the summer, I was very busy applying and interviewing for new jobs. Once I got a job, I was traveling on nights and weekends. There were a lot of factors in the mix this past summer and although the topic frequently came up at dinner about expanding our family(mostly in relation to dogs), we figured it would be best to wait until around August to make any big changes.

That may have been our “plan,” but that wasn’t God’s plan.

A little background on me and my womanhood, I’m a very regular girl. I only took birth control for a year or two when I was still pretty young and even then I have always had a routine and regular period. Since I am so regular, I don’t really keep a calendar of my cycle, but over Mother’s Day weekend I purchased a new Garmin Vivosmart fitness watch that had a period cycle tracker.

Come June, my watch sent a push notification to my phone asking me to log my period symptoms and notes. It was a cool feature I didn’t know came with this watch so I immediately told Jett and showed him. I hadn’t started my period yet but I didn’t initially think I was pregnant. I wasn’t sure how accurate this new feature was so I figured I would give it a few days. I was on my way out of town for work over the weekend anyway.

When I got back to North Carolina I was only home for a day or two before jet-setting off again. I barely had enough time to unpack and repack; my period was the last thing on my mind. While I was on this work trip Jett kept asking me if I started, of course, the answer was no. I told him we would take a test when I got back because it was well-beyond when I should have started.

I got back into town around 6am. I pulled in, kissed Jett hello and goodbye as he hit the road for work. After a much-needed nap, I met Jett for lunch on base and he reminded me to get a test. I went to the Navy Exchange, bought a test and took it right there in the bathroom. It was positive- cue the excitement!

Jett got home from work and the first thing he did when he walked in the door was ask me if I bought a test. I told him I “forgot” when in reality I had a surprise planned for him. I went to target after lunch and bought a onesie that said, “My first word will be Dada” and wrapped it up with the positive test. Here is my attempt at a hidden-camera video capture!


While we had intended on waiting a little while longer, we are overjoyed to be having a baby. My biggest fear has always been infertility, so to get pregnant without trying is a huge blessing. As I’m writing this we are 15, almost 16 weeks! This first trimester has been rough, I plan on sharing more of it with you now that I finally have more energy!

More about Baby Meenach to come!
