
Life Update

Now that Jett and I are settled into our rental home I wanted to share a life update!

So many things have changed within the past few weeks, I’ve traded running for video workouts, I switched my cell phone plan from Sprint to AT&T, Jett and I are residents of North Carolina and the biggest change yet…


The last time my hair was this short I was in fifth grade! I’ve been wanting to chop my hair off for quite a while now. One hot and humid Georgia summer will do that to a girl!  I had planned on making the big cut before my second season with Gwinnett but when Jett proposed in the Spring and we planned a Fall wedding I just couldn’t do it. I’ve only had short hair for a few days now but I’m already loving it. It’s been great to just get up and go while embracing my natural locks.

All jokes and hair aside, so many things have changed in the last few weeks.

I ran my first half-marathon in DC just two days after moving into our new rental home. We pulled up to our new place around 11am and finished unloading Jett’s truck, my SUV, and the UHaul by 12:30pm. After getting a pizza delivered, Jett took his truck and the UHaul to get weighed(for our DITY reimbursement) before dropping the UHaul off. While he was gone I unpacked almost every single box in our house. He got back, showered and we were on the road to DC at about 4:30pm. Honestly, ever since we’ve moved in everything has been hectic.

Although we didn’t spend our first weekend as North Carolina residents in our home, it was great being able to see my Dad at my race in DC. My half-marathon didn’t go as planned, it rained the entire 13.1 miles! I had been having problems in my left knee for a while and my rain-sodden shoes only made it worse. Apparently, I was overcompensating on my other leg because I haven’t been able to run longer than a mile since my race. Jett and I have been finding workout videos on YouTube to do together which has been pretty fun though.

Now that we’re settled in you can expect more frequent blog posts in addition to a lot more beach pictures!(We’re only 10 minutes away from North Top Sail Beach)