
To My Parents

Veterans Day. A day to recognize and thank all those who have served. Both of my parents were in the Navy and so usually around this time of year I write a Facebook post thanking them for their service. This year is a little different.

Today, I realized I’ve barely told my parents how proud I am of them and their service. I often tell Jett how proud I am of him because I am. But, somehow, I’ve never told my parents. Here it is.

Mom and Dad,

Thank you for your service. I’ve said this before and I still mean it, but what I really want you to know is that I am proud of your service and I am proud to be a Navy brat.

Not only am I proud to say both of my parents served 20+ years in the Navy(which by the way, I say a lot), I’m proud of how you two were able to raise me as single parents.

Mom, I can’t even imagine how hard it was to be separated from me and Nina for multiple deployments. Heck- I feel guilty about leaving my cat for a weekend! You taught us the value of hard work and what a successful career looks like. I don’t think I would be anywhere near the successful, independent woman I am today without a role model like you to look up too. I am proud to have you for as my mom.


Dad, I really can’t imagine saying “yes” when a soon-to-be pre-teen asked to move in and crash your bachelor lifestyle. The world has thrown plenty of challenging things at you since I moved in and you’ve always seemed to come out on top. You taught me how to tackle adversity and maintain a positive outlook on life. I’m proud to have you as my dad.


I know many of the numerous reasons I am proud of you both are things you picked up in the military. They are things I see in my husband too. And for that, I’m not just thankful for veterans today, or proud of my parents, but I’m also thankful to the military for creating the amazing people that are my family.