Six weeks. Six weeks was all I was supposed to get with JJ before returning to work. Then the pandemic happened and I found out I would be working from him for the foreseeable future. I’ve had an extra ten weeks(and counting) with him. It’s not always easy but I’m cherishing every extra second we get together.
Maternity leave was one thing but quarantine is a whole different experience. During maternity leave we had so many friends and family members visit. It was so nice to always have extra helping hands around and to share the joy of a new baby with the people closest to us. We played a lot of games, took a lot of pictures and simply enjoyed great company. Our time with friends and family was a blessing,
They say your life changes when you become a parent but what about becoming a parent during a pandemic?

Once the hustle and bustle died down it was just JJ and I at home for awhile. It was nice to spend some alone time with my little man but as an extrovert I was chomping at the bit to get out of the house. I was looking forward to certain experiences such as a “Milk Club” at a local hospital, story time at the library and hanging out with my other mom friends. All of that went out the window as our entire town, state, country and basically the world was closed for quarantine.
We didn’t get to experience a lot of adventures out of the house during JJ’s early days and are still rarely leaving the house now. I wish I could say we’ve used this extra time at home to read JJ lots of stories and brag about other developmental programming we’ve done but that’s not the case. Parenting during a pandemic really means there’s always laundry going, dishes to do and chores. It means not being able to sleep and organizing closets. It means spending 45 minutes trying to get the baby down for a nap and forgetting you haven’t let the dogs out in awhile so someone poops in the house. It means still drinking your morning coffee at 1pm and realizing you haven’t even had breakfast yet.
Yes, it’s hard parenting during a pandemic but it’s also a time to cherish. JJ has gotten to spend extra time with mommy, daddy, his NiNi(Auntie Nina) and our little zoo. We go on daily walks, sometimes more than once a day! Although he hasn’t been to daycare to make friends, his furry brothers and sisters have made sure he doesn’t lack for attention. We have lots of photoshoots and craft time. I get to spend an unexpected 40 extra hours a week with my little man while working my job from home. This is an experience I’ll never have again.
For all the other parents struggling to stay sane during this pandemic, take a moment, take a breath and enjoy the situation you find yourself in. I’m sure it’s not easy or ideal but this is something so special. This time we have is invaluable. Cherish it.