One of the very first posts on Warrior Wife was a Pre-Wedding Q&A. You guys seemed to love that so Jett and I thought it might be cool to recap on our “firsts” as a couple for the New Year!
A: I was his waitress at Chili’s! My coworker had let me take his table because I thought the guy in the sunglasses was cute aka Jett. After I took their initial order I went to the back of the restaurant and put on lipstick! 😂
J: I went to Chili’s for lunch and had her as my waitress.
What was your first impression of your spouse?
A: Right when he walked in I noticed how cute he was. He was also very nice and engaged in conversation with me. People these days often treat wait staff like they are bothering them and barely speak to them unless they’re asking for something. Jett and I had a fun little banter going.
J: She asked to go to a driving range on our first date so I was immediately in love. But honestly, before I got to know her I thought she was this really sweet beautiful girl that we’d go on a few dates and nothing would come of it.
A: The ball was in my court since we were in my neck of the woods. I didn’t want to do the stereotypical first date of grabbing a coffee or a drink at the bar- good thing too because Jett doesn’t like coffee and wasn’t even 21 when met! The was a small golf course on ODU’s campus so I asked Jett if he wanted to go to the driving range and then we got dinner at a local restaurant. Oh yeah- we also grabbed FroYo which is crazy because I hate that stuff. I’d rather have ice cream ay day of the week!
A: I guess technically Jett left his number so he made the first move? I was comin’ on pretty strong though if I do recall!
A: We were in my bedroom and he was looking at some pictures I had hanging up on a corkboard. One of them was an atrocious school photo from 7th grade where I had short grey hair. I had tried to dye blonde hair black with a box and t did not go so well! He grabbed the photo and was teasing me and I kissed him to make him stop. This was maybe our third date or so?
J: We were in DC in front of the Washington Memorial. It was probably 6-8 months into our relationship. She’d been dropping hints for months that she was ready for me to say it. And her hints weren’t really hints as much as her literally telling me to say it to her.

A: As I said, the first time I met Jett’s parents was for his birthday soon after meeting him. We had to take two cars to the lake I ended up riding with his mom holding his birthday cake. It was a sheet cake with frosting and little minion decorations. As his mom and I were talking, I was getting nervous and started to tilt the cake towards me. We were at a stop sign when she screamed after looking over at the cake. Since it was still warm when she frosted it and I had been tilting it accidentally, all the minions and frosting had dripped to the side. I was so embarrassed. That wasn’t the end of my embarrassment for that trip though… About two hours later I was walking to the lake house on the dock while all of Jett’s family was inside the house. I tripped and brushed it off, not realizing everyone had seen me through the floor-to-ceiling glass doors on the side of the house.
J: I think it was Thanksgiving when I met her mom and sister, and it wasn’t too bad. Well, it wasn’t bad until she and Nina started to get each other going. Really, it was Anastasia getting Nina going for the most part.

Share your first vacation as a couple.
A: Our first solo trip was to Philly for the 2016 Army-Navy game. I had a connection and got a ticket in the first row on the 20-yard line for like $50. It was supposed to be a pair but for some reason, no one wanted both so they sold me just one. It worked out great because Jett was supposed to be sitting with the Midshipmen but somehow was able to sneak out and sit with me for the whole game. We got to explore Philly together and enjoy this little Christmas village. I remember that I had only booked a hotel for the night before the game thinking that after the 4pm game we could head back down to Annapolis… We were exhausted after the game and decided we would grab a hotel in Philly for one more night… The only problem was everything was booked. By the time we got far enough out of the city that we could find a room, it made more sense to go back to Annapolis. Not the best ending 😅
J: I think it may have been a couple of weeks into our relationship when she met me at my families farm in Georgia. She messed up my birthday cake.

When do you first realize they were the one?
A: Pretty much everything about Jett and I’s relationship has always been different. Once I realized this wasn’t some summer fling and we continued to make efforts to see each other and do long distance I figured we would get married. I know that part is necessarily romantic, but it’s the truth. There were a few big moments early on in our relationship where I learned the kind of man Jett was, and those moments are the big reasons I fell in love with him and was able to see a future with him.
J: Date numero uno!
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Beat Army
When you do live together…what’s something that drives you nuts about your “roommate”? And what would you expect your spouse to say about a quirky living habit of yours?