• DIY Baby Pool Cover

    Yes, we live on the coast and close to the beach… but have you ever taken a baby to the beach? You need three adults per one baby with all the stuff you have to lug from your car to the sandy shore! So, a few weeks ago we invested in an $8 baby pool from Dollar General. I quickly realized that despite the pool being relatively small it still took some time for the water to reach a temperature comfortable for JJ. I remember my mom mentioning how she recently saw tarps at Dollar Tree and I thought I could potentially DIY a cover for the baby pool. Not…

  • Father’s Day DIY

    Need some inspiration for Father's Day gifts? Check out this affordable and cute DIY crafts!

  • Cloth Diaper Wash Routine

    The hardest part about cloth diapering is figuring out the best wash routine for you, but once you nail that down it's so easy!

  • Postpartum Body

    Mamas, why is it so much harder to accept our postpartum bodies than our pregnancy bodies? Is it just me?

  • Newborn Keepsake Ideas

    Want something special to remember how tiny your newborn was? Try these handprint and footprint stamp keepsake crafts!

  • Considering Cloth?

    Are you curious about cloth diapering? In this post I explain why we chose to cloth diaper, the benefits and drawbacks of cloth, what we purchased to start our cloth diapering journey(including links!) and more!